6813 S. College Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80525 info@elderhaus.org 970.221.0406

Mission and Vision


The mission of Elderhaus is to provide compassionate, capable daytime care and community engagement for adults living with dementia or other disabilities.


Our participants, whether seniors or adults over 18 years old with disabilities and including all income levels, have an engaging, safe daytime environment that fosters an enhanced sense of self and of community belonging. Our caregivers have the freedom to adjust to their new normal, be productive, and experience less stress.

Core Values

1.      Compassion in caring.
2.      Dignity and respect for every individual.
3.      Safe environment for everyone involved.
4.      Honesty and integrity and accountability in all aspects of the program.
5.      Services available to all within Elderhaus’ ability to serve, without discrimination.
6.      Creativity in providing solutions for families and staff.